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Opening hours on New Year's holidays and Christmas

Publication date: 22 December 2016

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas! Wishes are made and toasts are made to the solemn chiming of the chimes. Let all the worst and unnecessary things remain in the old year, and let all the best come into the New Year - dreams, desires, aspirations. Let the old year be remembered as another passed stage of life, which taught something, gave something for the future. Let everything planned on New Year's Eve happen, what was planned come true, and what was unrealizable come true! Let the magic of New Year's Eve touch everyone, and let the Christmas angels, quietly writing down your wishes, help make them come true throughout the next year. We wish you happiness, health, good luck, true friends and sincere people on the road of life in the New Year. May the New Year be better for you than the previous one!

We would like to inform you about the operating hours of our store during the New Year holidays 2017!

December 31 - January 02 - Weekends (orders are accepted only through the website shopping cart).

January 3, 4, 5 - Open from 9 to 18-00

6, 7, 8 - Weekends (orders are accepted only through the website shopping cart).

from January 9 - We work as usual.

New Year 2017

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